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RFW Club     Stargazing for Starlight     Wishes Granted






Well we are pleased to announce we have managed to grant our first wish, thanks to all those people that donated in Western Australia.

A young lad by the name of Reuben was given an amazing party by his school, all his mates attended and being that Reuben is an astronomy fan the Astronomical Group of WA came along with telescopes to make the evening a bit more special.

Reuben was presented with a Star that he could name himself, a plaque with all his friends names on it that were at the party and a telescope for him and his family to view the night sky.

It was a great evening and Reuben and his family had a great time.

  So once again thanks to all those in WA that made this possible.








Send mail to ridingforwishes@iinet.net.au with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: 03/06/08